A podcast series on sustainability in the rum category. Deep diving into the different steps on sustainability in the rum category. Showcasing research, business cases and more from industry peers.
Topics include:
sustainable business practices in the rum production (break down per step), sustainable sourcing,
selling sustainability to consumer (marketing), Innovation (applications) in the spirits industry (reduce costs, save planet), from sustainable to circular – is it feasible, what can we learn from other spirit producers, role for governments and access to finance for entrepreneurs.
A podcast series on sustainability in the rum category. Deep diving into the different steps on sustainability in the rum category. Showcasing research, business cases and more from industry peers.
What You’ll Learn:
Learn about entrepreneurship, challenges of starting a distillery, sustainability, access to growth capital, route to market and much more.
Curious to learn more about Rum, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship? Visit www.sustainablerum.org to browse the Library (articles, business case & more) and check out the Interviews with sustainable industry leaders.
Welcome to the London Rum Trail podwalk. The first ever podwalk on rum and London.
This journey will take to you historic and present rum landmark sites. And all stops along your rum trail will provide the opportunity to experience London’s rum culture. Note that some stops are better (aka you should!) via other transportation than on foot.
Geo data, address and some public transportation advise, is available in the notes for each episode.
Tip: download the TFL Go app (https://tfl.gov.uk/) – to go from point a to b via tube, bus or train.
Disclaimer: The Rum Barrel assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this sit/podwalk. The information contained in this site/podwalk is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness…”
Affiliate links disclaimer: This podcast does NOT contain affiliate links, we do NOT earn a small commission when you make a purchase through links or otherwise traceable to this podcast. This podwalk is done purely for Rum’s sake.